Dating and Relationship Tips for the Day 6-June-06
Dating and Relationship Tips for the Day 6-June-06Do you know why it makes sense for guys to call gals….?
Apparently (most) guys are single-focussed so if your gal-pal calls you while you’re busy you could feel harassed and accuse her of ‘too needy’, ‘coming on too strong’, etc and your answering could sound abrupt or dismissive or you could promise-to-call-back-then-forget,
whereas (most) gals can multi-task such that if you call while she’s already doing 3 things she can happily fit it in with a smile.
There’s another thing… lots of guys tell me that they think of their women some of the time, while (most) women when in love think of their men ‘all the time’ –yes, all the time, in parallel with doing everything else. So a call hits the spot every time.
So go on guys….. play the game fair….. MAKE that call (or text).
Venus Speaks
6-June-06 for more articles
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Women do think in multi-tasking mode. They can go on talking about one thing and the next like there's a connection between two separate things. But men are more attentive to details.
Blogging has been in good frequency now, thanks to letting out my deep-seated love and to your pro-active advise
Very sweet.
I think you are right, but guys don't want to seem needy either. Often guys will chase girls away when the call too often.
Maggie used to say she 'thought about me all the time'
No, no, and again no.
The whole "multitasking" thing is a myth that some gynosupremacists came up with to make it seem like women are better than men in some way. There is 0 scientific evidence to back it up, and you can google that if you don't believe me.
On average, everyone has about the same multitasking dis/ability. There is very little difference amongst gender.
So this is just more excuses from a woman who is trying to put all the responsibility of relationships on men.
Good luck with that one.
Thank you Coyote Skinhead. Yes, it applies to some and not to others; this may not work for you or you might not want to give it a go and see the result, it's ok. We all see the world differently so thanks for sharing your view.
Venus Speaks
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