Dating and Relationship Tips for the Day 1-June-06
Make real love happen when you are proactive, ask and listen very open-mindedly, spend quality time, do something to make the person happy, keep yourself nice, and keep the spirit of goodwill.Keep this a check list of your life for a week and tell me what happens.
Venus Speaks
1-June-06 main site, with articles, stories, poems and links to other sites
Help fellow earthlings find real love by linking to the main site (it makes the site more easily found when searched), help your friends by emailing them. Thank you.
hi Venus,
I think I told you before, I do like your site. How do I link to it?
Mine is
I am not sure if you have taken a look before. It is basically a love story, but without a happy ending.
Perhaps we could exchange links.
I'm not a proactive lover but I'm always talking about love in my blog. Its like a deep seated consciousness thing. Maybe I should let it out, right, and follow this post of yours. What do you think?
Hi Nepspeed82,
Thank you for your thought. Yes, Go For It! Please allow other people and that speacial someone to feel loved and to be happy. You've got it, it's deep seated in you, yes -please let it out, there's a famine out there...
Let me know what happens.
Hi Steve "something from me",
Thank you. The link is
(Hopefully the link does show at the end of each post?) You can place the link in the sidebar just in the same way as when you did for others, ie put in the html code where Google news and 'edit me' are in the original template. Many Thanks.
Yes, I did visit your site and left a comment several days ago.
I think Google design guide doesn't like people exchanging links as mutual admiration society or something they called it. The search engine wants people to link just naturally.
Hope to see you here again soon, would appreciate what you think.
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