Thursday, May 25, 2006



I have felt so strong soaring high in the sky
Perching on summit after summit of success
Trudging and rising out of miseries
But always onwards I’ve struggled on

I have felt freedom, and I have felt happiness
Content in the simplicity and complexity of glorious life
Now I look again and discover with shock
I am nobody, am rather weak and I know not much at all

The past seems an illusion
The future a void
I have travelled, I have journeyed, I have mingled
Among strangers, among peers, admirers, enemies, and friends
Now I look again and see with clarity
I have just come full circle
or have never moved

For here is exactly how I remember
When coming into being
Alone, in an alien world

Venus speaks
24-May-06 for more articles and poems
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At 7:06 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Nice poem. You were asking me about the "continue to full post." Actually, its just tweaking the "permalink" link in your template. If you wanna know more check this links or paste them in your browser url box.

or try posting a help notice about what you intend to do with your template in "Customizing Templates, Blogger Help Group." People there would readily help you.

At 7:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A splendid poem that is beautifully composed. I look forward to reading future poems.


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